Tuesday Tips: 25 Ways to Better Your Blog

I found a great blog post today full of useful tips to build a brilliant business blog and I encourage you to check it out. It also got me thinking about a few of my own tips about writing and blogging, so to get you started, here are four of my tips, and a few of their 21 Tips to total 25 ways to better your blog, whether it be for business or pleasure.

Tip 1: Write regularly.

Writers become better writers by writing. There’s no shortcut. Invest your time, energy and passion, and you’ll become a better writer and you’ll have a better blog.

Tip 2: Think like a writer.

Writers see the world through an interpretive lens. They find something out in the world that interests them and they want to write about it. Writing helps us to understand our world more deeply. Writing requires us to interpret what we see and experience and put it into our own words. Writing engages us in the world around us.

Tip 3: Read other people’s blogs.

You’ll become a better blogger yourself, especially if you read well-written blogs and study the techniques the writers use.

Tip 4: Follow interesting people on twitter.

Find and follow people on twitter who post content that interests you professionally and personally. Follow their links to see what they have to say. You’ll likely find content for your blog and for your brain and your business too!

What follows are a few of the tips from the blog post “21 Tips To Create A Brilliant Business Blog;” follow the link to read all of the tips and to read more about each one.

Tip 5. Have A Clear Business Goal

Tip 6. Write Content That People Will Reference

Tip 7. Give Away Lots Of “Secrets” For Free

Tip 8. Show Your Personality

Tip 9. You Don’t Have To Do What People Expect

Tip 10. Weave Social Media In To Your Blog

Tip 11. Focus On Content And Not Design

Tip 12. Praise The Work Of Others Within Your Industry

Tip 13. Mix With The Offline World

Tip 14. Focus On Subscribers

(While you’re here, won’t you please subscribe to this blog? It’s easy–you can get blog posts in your email box or by RSS feed. And while you’re at it, “like” The Write Alley on facebook!)

Tip 15. Promote Your Blog

Tip 16. Guest Blog

Got a topic you’d like to blog about here? Please! I’d love to have you!

Tip 17. Engage Away From Your Own Blog

And there you have 17 of 25 ways to build a brilliant business blog! Read the whole blog post here: http://thenextweb.com/socialmedia/2010/11/29/21-tips-to-create-a-brilliant-business-blog/

And of course I’d be happy to help you get going on your own blog by puttting these strategies and more into place!