Let’s All Go Zin Nov. 19!

Did you know that The Write Alley Head Coach Gwendolyn Alley is also known as the Wine Predator? Yes, indeed!

And did you know that today, Nov. 19 is Global #Zinfandel Day? Yes again!

Learn more about #Zinfandel Day and my adventures in wine at my Wine Predator Blog! Among the 200 posts there, you’ll find a page full of posts about the Wine Bloggers Conference in 2008 featuring Sonoma Wines, 2009 on Napa Wines, and in 2010  on Washington Wines! There’s also a page about the European Wine Bloggers Conference that I attended as a guest of Enoforum and where I discovered the joys of Potuguese cuisine, culture, hospitality, landscape, and wine!

As a coach and as a content provider, I would love to work with more wine related businesses. Let me know how I can help you tell the stories about you and your wines!

Let's All Go Zin: Nov. 19 is Global Zin Day How do you plan to celebrate Global Zinfandel Day, Friday November 19, 2010 from midnight to midnight? All you have to do is open a bottle of zin and enjoy it! I tell you, I am such a zin fan I’m ready to pop a cork at midnight and begin tweeting! (After all, I cut my wine “teeth” working at Ridge!) If you want to get social, use the #Zinfandel hashtag to connect with other zin lovers on  Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Gowalla, blogs, etc.  You c … Read More

via Wine Predator