Seth Godin’s Linchpins To Meet Tuesday, December 7 2010

A few weeks ago, Seth Godin announced that tomorrow, Tuesday Dec, 7 would be the next date set aside for Linchpins from around the globe to connect and meet together; go here to find a gathering near you. Learn more about Linchpins in general and Ventura’s Linchpins in particular here.

There are several groups meeting in Ventura County; I plan to join Linchpins in Ventura at 7pm at Candlelight, located on Santa Clara at Figueroa. Let us know you’ll be joining us by signing up here:

Unfortunately, I will have to leave early: my Ventura College students and I will be attending Dottie Grossman’s 7:30pm poetry performance with Michael Vlatkovich at the Artists Union Gallery; we’ll be reading in the open mic.

And if you can’t make it, you can always snuggle up with your own copy of his book Linchpins and imagine yourself in the company of these fine folks!

(PS Subscribe so you don’t miss out!  For tomorrow’s Tuesday Tips, I will be posting some of the highlights from the session I attended with Seth Godin in Los Angeles on Tuesday, Nov. 9 at the Drucker Business School! Here’s a post already up about Godin’s LA breakfast talk.)