two reviews for “middle of the night poems”

Here are reviews by Frankie Drayus and Danika Dinsmore of my new poetry collection,  middle of the night poems from daughter to mother :: mother to son (en theos press). A few more signed and numbered limited edition (108) chapbooks are available from me or from the publisher; regular paperback books will be available on my birthday January 11, 2011 and at readings now being scheduled for winter, spring, and summer.

reviews for "middle of the night poems from daughter to mother :: mother to son" In her review of middle of the night poems from daughter to mother :: mother to son (en theos press), Frankie Drayus writes: In these poems there is a deep connection to all five senses and how they figure into daily life; what we eat, see, touch, hear, and smell while going about our daily tasks are overlooked by most and captured as significant pleasures by Gwen, who lives with her body open to the sensual. These are humble poems, in that the w … Read More

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